You had always been a prodigy with lots of ideas. At last, you were able to start on your own. You have a robust business plan. Your venture is ready for take-off. You are, however, still sceptical about one aspect of your business. The marketing aspect! Who will handle your marketing activities? You need to outsource, which happens to be a smart solution. Freelance marketing communications is the order of the day.
Why you should
Marketing is vast. You don't have the
The customer journey does not follow a said
pattern. You need to undertake several marketing activities simultaneously. If
you neglect any aspect, your competitors will barge ahead. This requires you to
depute staff with different skills. You need to deploy the agencies which can
undertake the specific elements of the marketing function. This requires you to
interact with numerous agencies parallelly. However, it allows you to create an
integrated marketing function that meets your budget.
How do I generate so many ideas?
When you started, you were able to focus on
your marketing efforts yourself. Now, your business has grown. You need to
focus on more critical aspects of your business. Who will generate those ideas?
Who will ensure that the target market views your company as a thought leader?
Your marketing partners will break this rut. They can provide a fresh
perspective and improve your marketing mix.
How do I handle a new department?
Your organisation is still nascent. Still, do
you need to recruit a full-blown marketing department? There are numerous
drawbacks. What about the overheads? What about hiring costs? You need to
minimise the overheads. It is best to outsource without overwhelming your
Access to the latest strategies
Your marketing partners are experts. They have
access to the newest marketing trends. They are always trying out new ideas and
trying to transfer the best practices across their clients. They bring in
fresher aspects and perspectives that you may have never thought about. Your
partners can identify transferable capabilities and create unique opportunities
for their clients from diverse industries.
The marketing function is more efficient
You need to measure the department's
efficiency. There must be well-defined, measurable KPIs. The agencies have a
team of subject matter experts who are deft at handling different aspects of
marketing. They measure their activities against definable KPIs. In this way,
you can have an overview of your business through dashboards and reports.
Optimise your marketing budget
You can tweak your marketing spend as per your
budget. You would not be needing to allocate equal amounts of investment across
all departments of marketing. You can now pick and choose based on the monthly
How to choose your
freelance marketing communications partner
Now comes the most challenging activity of all! How do you select your freelance marketing communications partner? What are the KPIs to zero down on your preferred partner? Some of the parameters that could help you are below.
- Reputation
- Client list and testimonials
- Services portfolio
- Organisation size
- Pricing model
- Payment terms
You need to ensure the optimal utilisation of
your resources. Keeping this in mind, you need an economical solution that
allows you to enjoy the benefits of going online. Every company would like to
be your marketing partner. However, do they have the credentials? Will they be
able to help in your path towards growth? Your best partner would be someone
who would collaborate with you and ensure growth.
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